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Thomas Croft is the Managing Director of Heartland Capital Strategies (HCS) and Executive Director of the Steel Valley Authority (SVA).  His previous works include Up from Wall Street: The Responsible Alternative. (Cosimo Books, 2009). Forward by Richard Trumka; “Targeted Responsible Investments,” a chapter in The Next Generation of Responsible Investing, Edited by Tessa Hebb. (2011, Springer Publishing); “Helping Workers’ Capital Work Harder: A Report on Global Economically Targeted Investments (ETIs).” (2009). A Report Commissioned by the Global Unions Committee on Workers’ Capital (CWC), International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC); “Collaboration Between Labor, Academics and Community Activists to Advance Labor/Capital Strategies.”  A Chapter in Money on the Line: Workers’ Capital in Canada.  (2003, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives). Isla Carmichael and Jack Quarter, Editors. Heartland previously commissioned Working Capital: The Power of Labor’s Capital (2001, Cornell University), edited by Tessa Hebb, et al. Forward by Leo Gerard.  Tom has also authored numerous articles over the years.

Heartland Team


Ama Germain is Heartland's new Outreach Coordinator. She previously worked at the Pittsburgh Technology Council, where she served as a Partner Engagement Coordinator. In her role, she worked on a Navy-funded program focused on supporting manufacturers in talent retention with a focus on workforce/community development efforts. Now, as she transitions into the role of Outreach Coordinator at Heartland, Ama is eager to apply her expertise in fostering connections and furthering the organization's mission.


Carrie Mihalko is part of the Heartland team as Development Director for the SVA. With over 20 years experience in higher education and non-profits, she brings her expertise in marketing, communications, board development, and overall organizational management.

Heartland Partners

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