William P. Jones, Washington Post
Apr 29, 20202 min read
Front-Line Workers in the Covid-19 Fight Need Unions
William P. Jones is professor of history at the University of Minnesota, the Jerry Wurf Memorial Fund Scholar-in-Residence at the...

Tom Conway, USW International President
Apr 29, 20205 min read
America's Backbone
At the start of each shift, Eric Jarvis takes a handful of anti-bacterial wipes and sanitizes the equipment he uses at the Packaging...

Heartland Network
Apr 29, 20202 min read
In Memoriam: Union Members Lost in COVID-19 Pandemic
NOTE: Further updates to this list will be added to the AFL-CIO In Memoriam page. As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads across the United...

Colleen Wilson, NorthJersey.com
Apr 29, 20203 min read
NJ Transit bus union takes coronavirus testing into its own hands, sets up site for members
It was the beginning of April when Orlando Riley heard through word-of-mouth about a lab doing coronavirus testing in Paterson. With...

Labor Leaders, In These Times
Apr 29, 20204 min read
Capitalism Is Failing Its Coronavirus Stress Test—Only Workers Can Turn Things Around
Corporations will only do the right thing if we make them. At this moment of unprecedented crisis, how can we ensure the physical safety...
Randi Weingarten
Apr 29, 20204 min read
4 Union Leaders: Coronavirus is a Stress Test for Capitalism, and We See Encouraging Signs
Americans should note which companies and politicians stood up for workers in the coronavirus pandemic, and which ones kept expanding the...

Amalgamated online
Apr 22, 20202 min read
Amalgamated Bank Launches Frontline Workers Fund to Support Responders to COVID-19 Pandemic
Amalgamated Bank (Nasdaq: AMAL) today announced the launch of the Frontline Workers Fund, designed to provide financial support for...

Apr 22, 20201 min read
AFL-CIO's HIT Steps Up to the Plate
As the economic and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to ripple across the metro-area community, the local labor community...

Kirk Falconer
Apr 22, 20201 min read
KPS Capital Partners Receives Buyouts 2020 "Turnaround Deal of the Year" Award for Chassis
It's been life in the fast lane for Chassis Brakes as a result of KPS's complex rebuild, writes Kirk Falconer Brakes are an essential...

Adam Blumenthal, Managing Partner
Apr 22, 20202 min read
Our Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
When history looks back on this period, we'll all remember the myriad challenges and hardships that so many of us are going through and...