Meet our Summer '22 LCS Fellows!
Kristen Estell, Heartland Capital Strategies
What if I told you that this session's Labor Capital Strategies Fellows were the most prestigious, talented, and sought after young people since we began the program? You might remind me that I said the same thing for our last Fellows--which is true. But it turns out the LCS Fellowship is growing and attracting more and better applicants with every session. This is in no small part due to the high caliber of our Hosts and our long-standing partnership with Georgetown University's Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor.
If the future looks uncertain, take heart, Expresso readers. This generation is exactly what the world needs right now. Please read about our 11 LCS Fellows below. They come from across the country, but more than that, their origins, interests, and ambitions are global. Check out our LinkedIn page to keep up with them, and our alumni's, post-Fellowship accomplishments.
We are always grateful for our Hosts and sponsors--new and old. This year, we welcome the United Steelworkers (USW) who are hosting a Fellow at their headquarters in Pittsburgh. Other Fellows interested in Labor will be hosted by LiUNA, the AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust, and
Ullico. Providing a window into the world of Responsible Investing are: Alan Biller and Associates, GCM Grosvenor, Hamilton Lane, KPS Capital Partners, Meketa Investment Group, and Segal Marco Advisors. Finally, Healthy Markets Associates is returning to the program to Host another promising law student.
Thank you for your part in helping Heartland "pay it forward!" through this effort. We know that our program is only possible because of your generous and enthusiastic support!
